This site is currently under construction. We are working on this site as you read this, so be patient, and everything will be up in no time at all.

Rapture Practice is a Christian drama team. It is youth based, looking out for the next generation by the next generation. We currently have two members, Bobby and David, and we are 16 and 15 years of age. You can learn more about us in our "about us" page. We are really looking forward to the things we can do in the field of youth ministry and evangelism.

Even though we haven't truly gotten started, Rapture Practice still has many people we would like to thank. Our lives have been pushed on, inspired by, or set straight by the following people and organizations: Mike and Melanie Houston, Barry Owens, Dr. Johnny Dickerson, Scott Crenshaw, "Masters Comission", Nathan Brown, Camp Copass "EnterAction '99", and all the wonderful people at Crescent Park Baptist Church.


Contact Us: You can contact us through our very own AOL internet address

Coming Soon: Contact Us, and Collumn!!!